Where can I check a domain name's availability?
Scouting for a domain name
Do you want to know whether a domain name is still available? Or are you simply looking for information about the domain name owner? Most of this information is public. Each domain name extension has its own ‘checker’, located on the website that belongs to the organization that manages the domain name extension. Examples of popular domain name extensions: .com, .eu, .nl.
.nl domain name checker
Do you want to check the domain name info for a website with the .nl extension? SIDN is where you want to go. They manage a large database containing information about .nl domain names. Their website allows you to search for specific .nl-domains, allowing you to see whether the domain name is still available.
.com domain name checker
Do you want to check the domain name info for a website with the .com extension? Visit whois.com. This registry has all the information you need pertaining to .com domain names, including an availability checker.
Other domain name checkers
There are many different domain name extensions. The websites below allow you to check the availability of domain names with different extensions.
You can check the availability of any .be domain on Dnsbelgium.be
You can check the availability of any .eu domain on eurid.eu
You can check the availability of any .info domain name on info.info
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